The bird feeder has little birdies visiting it for a snack most mornings. It's a treat to watch.
The bees were a buzz this morning because the queen bee came out of the hive. Put it back but discovered it had died a couple of hours later. Siva the bee man advised me to put it back into the hive and he's going to come and take a look. We don't seem to have much luck with bees.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
2016 - Week 20 - May 9 - May 15
Siva the bee man got a new colony of bees. The bee hive which lay vacant for almost a year has new residents at long last.
Thunder and lightning and a couple of days of good showers which the tea will benefit from.
Thunder and lightning and a couple of days of good showers which the tea will benefit from.
Monday, 9 May 2016
2016 - Week 19 - May 2 - May 8
The 2nd of May made it a year since we moved to Welaro.
A year of experiencing the change in seasons. A year has gone passed and this week again it was time for the annual temple festival in Guernsey village.
A baby Malabar squirrel lost it's way and climbed on the roof where it sat for a while before making it safely to the trees. What a cutie pie.
Socks has begun to catch rats.

We pitched a tent for the children who come and stay at Welaro. We're guessing the kittens and dogs will get invited to play.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
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